Ryan's Gallery
Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi

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Enishi is the title given to the second season of Ai Yori Aoshi. This season focuses on Kaoru heading into his final year of college and his discovering new things about Aoi such as that she plays tennis, The series then goes into an arc focusing on Tina possible leaving to go back to America.

 Nice group shot


 When words get itn the way



 Tired out

 Tennis outfit sketch

 Tennis outfit

 Tennis outfit

 Tennis outfit

 Tennis match

 Skirt Flip #1

 Skirt flip #2


 Aoi embarrassed

 Aoi at the tennis match

 Aoi in tennis outfit

 Playing Tennis

 Skirt flip #2 part1

 Skirt flip #2 part 2

 Skirt flip#2 part 3

 Aoi at the ready

 Whats distracting Kaoru

 Kaoru's focal point
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Curator: JWR
Gallery Created: 2/23/2003
Hits: 49696
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